Wealth Courant

Topical discussions on mindfulness, money, and making the most of every moment.

Welcome to the Wealth Courant

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Hello and welcome to the Wealth Courant. My name is Cam. I’m a recent college graduate embarking on an adult life I’ve been thinking about for quite some time. I plan on using this blog (and accompanying podcast) to express some of the thoughts that are constantly swirling around my head, with a focus on personal and financial wellness.

I’m inspired and fascinated by public thinkers like Sam Harris, Peter Attia, Sam Dogen, who runs the popular Financial Samurai blog, and others. I am on a journey to find true contentment, and I believe expressing creativity and writing ideas out is key.

As I have currently conceived of it, this project aims to promote a modern understanding of wealth that extends beyond financial status to consider the quality of one’s attention, and an emphasis on healthspan, among evolving areas of deep importance.

In other words, it is meant to be a repository of topical discussions on areas I’ve reflected on, and ultimately hope to share over time with current and future family, friends, colleagues, and anyone else who’s interested. So, thank you for giving it a try, and I hope you enjoy!

Until next time.

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